
October 9th, 2023

Elsevier’s science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators by John Ioannidis (Stanford University) is one of the leading sources to analyze career-long data in different research fields. The October 2023 report ranks the 2% best-performing scholars of a total of more than 26,000 scientists in the primary field "Logistics & Transportation" by the so-called c-score.Although port and maritime economics is only a sub-field, ten (10) members made it to the global top 562 (or 2% highest ranked)...
August 30th, 2023

PortEconomics co-director Theo Notteboom provides insight on the EU container port landscape in the first half of 2023: Most top 15 #container #ports in the #European #Union show a moderate to strong year-on-year decline in TEU throughput in H1 2023. For quite a few ports, these negative figures come on top of the traffic losses incurred in 2022. The economic slowdown is reflected in the handled container volumes. Only Piraeus and Gioia Tauro show a TEU growth. Ports of Genoa and Algeciras recorded a small drop. A traffic loss of 5.6%...
July 23rd, 2023

Transparency of port governance is an integral part of the implementation of ESG practices in the port sector, advocated Thanos Pallis during a presentation delivered at the Symposium on “ESG and the Port Industry” that was held on the 21st of June in Piraeus, Greece Thanos presentation explored “The transparency of port governance” and detailed major findings of the scholarly research that he has recently concluded and published with fellow PortEconomics members Geraldine Knatz, Mary Brooks and Gordon Wilmsmeier, on the transparency...
July 5th, 2023

PortEconomics members Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Pierre Cariou, participated in the Peer Learning Group Meeting on the Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR-PLG) of Togo that took place in Paris OECD headquarter on July 4, 2023. The PTPR-PLG meetings aim to enable targeted peer dialogue on critical issues and identify lessons learned to improve the quality of the policy process based on peer review and multi-stakeholder dialogue. The meeting was organized by the Republic of Togo and the OECD Development Center, in cooperation with ECA...
June 15th, 2023

The latest study of PortEconomics member Pierre Cariou co-authored with Jason Monios, Alice Thébault-Guët (KEDGE Business School), and Ronald Halim (Equitable Maritime Consulting) titled The Impact of the Mediterranean Sulfur Emission Control Area (SECA) on trade and countries, recently presented in a two-day conference held in Le Havre on Data and Maritime Sustainability from May 25th to 26th, 2023. The paper was motivated by the fact that, despite the general consensus on the benefits of implementing SECA, it took 15 years for...
June 12th, 2023

The impact of IMO sustainable policy and data management on the maritime industry was the theme of the recent presentation delivered by PortEconomics member Pierre Cariou in the context of Data and Maritime Sustainability conference held in Le Havre on May 25-26. Pierre- during his comprehensive presentation- highlighted the crucial issue of carbon emissions in international shipping. Despite the implementation of numerous solutions over the past year, the long-term projections still exceed the necessary measures for reducing the shipping...
June 2nd, 2023

By Ricardo Sanchez The following chart shows the evolution of Top-20 container ports between 2021 and 2022. Sources: CSA and port authorities. The top-20 sample is approximately 82% of the container ports activity in the Greater Caribbean, excluding Mexico. The year 2022 shows an extremely slight growth of the top 20 Caribbean ports regarding 2021 (just 0.2%), with some ports strongly increasing (Panama Caribbean, Kingston JA, Caucedo RD, Honduras and T&T) and others with soft to sharped declines. In 2022, the top 20 ports...
April 27th, 2023

The preliminary results of an ongoing study by PortEconomics members Thanos Pallis and George Vaggelas on the "Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of the Cruise for Thessaloniki" were presented during the 7th Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum that was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-26 April 2023. Developed for the Thessaloniki Port Organisation and the Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation, the research, which started in November 2022 and is expected to be completed in October 2023, investigates the economic impact of the cruise activity both in...
March 30th, 2023

The latest IAPH World Port Tracker reports lower congestion and call size reductions with modest average port productivity gains in some regions; investments move ahead in infrastructure, new land use and sustainability projects; resurgence in cruise and ferry passenger volumes continues at pace. The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has just published its latest World Ports Tracker Report exclusively for its members and respondents, which combines confidential survey-based data collection on the container, bulk,...
November 15th, 2022

PortEconomics presents the list of the top 15 #container #ports in the #European #Union, prepared by PortEconomics member Theo Nottteboom. The table shows the container throughput in TEU for the first nine months of 2022 (unless mentioned otherwise) and the growth in 2021. While the ranking might be a mere distraction from other major port-related themes such as sustainability, energy transition and supply chain resilience, the table provides more insight into the EU container port landscape. The year 2021 brought...
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