In the last twenty years, International Terminal Operators (ITOs) have performed horizontal growth strategies to keep pace with global and regional demand expansion as well as to diversify corporate risk across various geographic regions. In this perspective, the paper aims to investigate the ITOS’ strategic behaviours when implementing their internationalisation processes, by giving a particular emphasis to the geographic diversification strategy, intended as the geographic dispersion of business activities out of their country of...
Maritime transportation is a highly complex global activity which, given the volume and the nature of processes and transactions involved, is immensely exposed to corruption risks. The growth of maritime trade and the development of maritime transport systems are multiplying these problems, with international organisations developing initiatives to address them.
One of the challenges for the shipping industry is the corruption-related incidents that occur during the approach and mooring of ships in ports. This is also true across the...
By Mikael Lind, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) and Chalmers University of Technology; Wolfgang Lehmacher, Anchor Group; Jan Hoffmann, UNCTAD; Lars Jensen, Vespucci Maritime; Theo Notteboom, Ghent University and Antwerp Maritime Academy; Torbjörn Rydbergh, Marine Benchmark; Peter Sand, Xeneta; Sandra Haraldson, RISE; Rachael White, Next Level Information & Cool Logistics; Hanane Becha, UN/CEFACT; Patrik Berglund, Xeneta.
Value chain disruptions are increasingly blamed for inflationary tendencies, although there are...
Port performance measurement covers a wide array of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to supply chain performance, productivity, connectivity, sustainability/energy transition, corporate social responsibility (CSR), financial performance, customer satisfaction, innovation and economic impact. Still, it remains relevant to observe how cargo volumes have evolved over time, as cargo flows and related activities remain the bread and butter of many managing bodies of ports. Herewith we summarise the trends in container throughput in...
This latest book chapter of PortEconomics member Michael Dooms co-authored by Denis Lewa Muganga (Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority (NCTTCA) Mombasa, Kenya) discusses the case of the Kenyan port system from the angle of Port Finance and Regulation. Next to being Kenya’s major port, the Port of Mombasa is a key gateway for landlocked countries such as Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
The region is characterized by an increasing degree of port competition with, e.g., the presence of the ports of Dar-Es-Salaam...
By Theo Notteboom
The vast majority of top 15 ports recorded container volume losses in 2020
The table shows the container throughput in TEU for the first nine months of 2021 in the top 15 containers ports in the European Union, the year-on-year growth figures for 2020 and 2009, and overall TEU growth between pre-crisis year 2007 and 2020. While the Coronavirus emerged in China in December 2019, its impact on European ports only started to be visible in March 2020. The top 15 EU ports combined handled 74.3 million TEU in 2020. Almost all top...
The levels of port integrity around the globe and the development of a Global Port Integrity Platform has been the theme of an initiative that is currently developed by the Maritime Anti- Corruption Network (MACN), with the contribution of PortEconomics members Thanos Pallis, Gordon Wilmsmeier, Evie Kladaki and Luisa Fernanda Spaggiari Castro.
The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) is a global business network working on several initiatives serving the vision of a maritime industry free of...
Transparency remains a remarkably under-analyzed notion in port studies internationally, and Canada is no exception.
Over the last three decades, many governments globally have reformed port governance from central government management to more autonomous ports but their practices do not necessarily reflect 21st-century public expectations for transparency.
In this phase of their research, PortEconomics members Mary Brooks, Geraldine Knatz, Thanos Pallis and Gordon Wilmsmeier extend their earlier study (see the technical report:...
By Giovanni Prati, CNN
How this technology could shake up logistics at major ports
Dubai (CNN) In Dubai's Jebel Ali port, a new technology is being tested that aims to speed up, improve and automate the way shipping containers are stored, moved and shipped.
Typically, at major ports, shipping containers awaiting transport are simply piled up on top of each other six or seven high, waiting to be moved onto ships by cranes. As well as taking up a huge amount of space, this approach means locating and picking up the right box can be...
The 2nd CCAPPTIA Conference Conference has successfully taken place on 28-30 June 2021. CCAPPTIA is an international forum that brings together leading experts, stakeholders, and right holders from academia, government, industry, consultants, interest groups, and community groups in addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change and the Arctic. It strives to consolidate and coordinate global research and development activities related to strategy and policy implementation under the context of climate adaptation...