Container shipping lines: short sea and intra-european co-director Theo Notteboom gave an introduction and moderated a session on 'Container shipping lines: short sea and intra-European' during the Coastlink conference held in the Belgian port of Zeebrugge on 20 and 21 February 2013. The entire conference was devoted to the impact of 18,000 TEU vessels on Intra-European Networks. During the short sea panel debate representatives from CMA CGM, the Flemish government and the European Freight and Logistics Leaders Forum presented their views on a wide range of key issues, such as...
Grounded & chassis terminal operations
By Jean-Paul Rodrigue PortEconomics member Jean-Paul Rodrigue along with Mark Booth contributed to the 57th issue of the Port Technology International magazine with an article examining grounded and chassis container terminal operations. Ocean container chassis have a critical function in the movement and storage of full and empty marine containers. A container chassis is a wheeled structure designed to carry marine containers for the purpose of truck movement between terminals and shipping facilities. It is a simple...
Quality of port infrastructure ranking
PortEconomics co-directors Peter de Langen, Theo Notteboom and Thanos Pallis are the authors of the first PortEconomics editorial published in the Port Technology International Magazine, marking the inauguration of the PortEconomics and Port Technology International 'partnership in publishing'. In their editorial entitled "The Quality of Port Infrastructure ranking: Some insights" Peter, Theo and Thanos discuss the port infrastructure rankings provided by the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) of the World Economic Forum (WEF)....
UNCTAD discussions on port performance
PortEconomics associated member Mary Brooks chaired the UNCTAD discussions on possible ways to measure and compare the performance of seaports, during an Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Assessing Port Performance that was held in Geneva on December 12, 20012. Mary also delivered a presentation on the measurement of port effectiveness in port service delivery. More than 80 per cent of merchandise trade by volume is seaborne, and the share is even higher for most developing countries. In many cases, over 95 per cent of a developing...
The impact of slow-steaming on container shipping networks
PortEconomics member Francesco Parola along with Claudio Ferrari and Alessio Tei, presented their latest research on the economic impact of facing the economic crisis by cutting costs and its impact of slow-steaming on container shipping networks, during the annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists - IAME 2012, that was held in Taipei, Taiwan. The research focuses on the impact of the commercial speed reduction for saving bunker cost, on shipping service patterns. In particular, the manuscript analyses...
Gateway & hinterland dynamics: southern African container ports
The gateway and the hinterlands dynamics of African container port system is the subject of the recent study of PortEconomics co-director Theo Notteboom alond with Darren Fraser that published in the latest issue of African Journal of Business Management. The Southern African container port system features a diverse range of different port types and sizes from five African countries. Collectively, ports in this region constituted a significant 40% market share of all container traffic through the African continent in 2005. One of the...
Counterbalancing peripherality & concentration: the UK container port system
Counterbalancing peripherality and concentration of national port systems is the theme of the latest study by PortEconomics associate member Gordon Wilmsmeier and Jason Monios, who presented a related analysis of the UK container port system, during the annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists - IAME 2012, that was held in Taipei, Taiwan. Over the last four decades the UK port system, particularly for containerised trade, experienced a shift to and concentration in the southeast of the country, close to...
Container lines: adjusting business models to cope with markets and revenue volatility
Containers lines adjust their business model to cope with market and revenue volatility, and PortEconomics co-director Theo Notteboom, in cooperation with Ahmed Mowafy Fakhr-Eldin, presented a study on how they do so during the annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists - IAME 2012, that was held in Taipei, Taiwan. In recent decades, container trade has been one of the fastest growing segments of the shipping industry. In 2009 global container traffic faced a significant drop leading to difficult times for...