The PortDatabase contains all the papers dealing with port economics, policy and management that were published in academic journals since the 1950s. The list of papers included is based on a systematic review of the content of all the academic journals that are published by international publishers – While the list up and included 2010 is a definite one, more recent lists remain subject to confirmation. The database is updated at the end of each month.
The database includes papers on the role of ports in maritime, logistics and intermodal transport networks, logistics functions of ports, papers on clustering of maritime activities, spatial developments in port regions, studies of port performance, studies of market structures in ports and so on. It does not include papers on port engineering, terminal operations, terminal equipment, waterfront development, and port history.
The PortStudies Database was originally constructed as part of the following studies: – Please acknowledge them when you use the database:
PortDatabase 2009-2020: Pallis, A.A., Kladaki P. & Notteboom, T. (2021). Port Economics, Policy and Management: Bibliometrics and Content analysis of a rapidly maturing research field. Presented at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2021 Annual Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
PortDatabase 1997-2008: Pallis, A.A., Vitsounis, T.K. & de Langen, P.W. (2010). Port Economics, Policy and Management: Review of an Emerging Research Field, Transport Reviews 30(1), pp.115-161. [Download the authors’ version] [Journal Page] – Consult this study for a detailed bibliometric analysis, content classification and citation analysis of all port studies published in scholarly journals (1997-2008).
PortDatabase 1997-2008: Pallis, A.A., Vitsounis, T.K., De Langen, P.W. & Notteboom, T.E. (2011). Port Economics, Policy and Management – Content Classification and Survey, Transport Reviews, 31(4), pp. 445-471. [Download the authors’ version] [Journal Page] – Consult this study for a detailed content analysis of all port studies published in scholarly journals (1997-2008).
PortDatabase 1950-1996: Brooks M.R. and Pallis A.A. (2012). Classics in Port Policy and Management. Chledenham: Edward Elgar. – Consult the volume for 41 seminal contributions of scholarly research in port policy & management in the 21st century.
- Arlt, W.H., 1987, Information requirements in strategic planning in the ports industry: specification and management of a database, Maritime Policy and Management, 14(1), 49-61.
- Bauchet, P., 1983, Financing and charging for seaport and airport infrastructures in France, Maritime Policy and Management, 10 (2), 93-101.
- Bendall, H.B. and Stent, A.F., 1987, On measuring cargo handling productivity, Maritime Policy and Management, 14(4), 337-343.
- Bendall, H.B. and Stent, A F., 1988a, Cargo handling productivity in liner trades. Part 1. The model, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(1), 19-33.
- Bendall, H.B. and Stent, A.F., 1988b, Cargo handling productivity in liner trades. Part 2. The findings, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(2), 97-106.
- Bird, J. H., 1980, Seaports as a subset of gateways for regions: a research survey, Progress in Human Geography, 4(3), 360-370.
- Blauwens, G. and Van de Voorde, E., 1988, The impact of port choice on inland transportation, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(2), 127-140.
- Bobrovitch, D., 1982, Decentralised planning and competition in a national multi-port system, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 16(1), 31-42.
- Boschken, Herman L., 1982, The demands of conflicting change on public enterprise: west coast seaport development and environmental regulation, Public Administration Review, 42(3), 220-226.
- Boschken, Herman L., 1986, Strategic planning of seaport development in a global economy: Observations of an executive port director, Coastal Management, 14(3), 193-215.
- Charlier, Jacques J., 1988, Structural change in the Belgian port system, 1980-1986, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(4), 315-326.
- Cuzán, A. G., 1983, The political economy of ports in the United States and Great Britain, Coastal Management, 11, 149-167.
- Davis, C., 1983, Regional port impact studies: a critique and suggested methodology, Transportation Journal, 23, 61-71.
- De Lombaerde, P. and Verbeke, Alain, 1989, Assessing international seaport competition: A tool for strategic decision making, International Journal of Transport Economics, 16(2), 175-192.
- De Neufville, R. and Tsunokawa, K., 1981, Productivity and returns to scale of container ports, Maritime Policy and Management, 8(2), 121-129.
- Dowd, T. J., 1984, U.S. container terminal leasing and pricing, Maritime Policy and Management, 11(4), 277-288.
- Farrell, S., 1986, The subsidization of seaports: an alternative approach, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 177-184.
- Finlay, William, 1987, Industrial relations and firm behavior: informal labor practices in the West Coast longshore industry, Administrative Science Quarterly, 32(1), 49-67.
- Fleming, Douglas K., 1983, Port rivalry, co-operation, merger, Maritime Policy and Management, 10(3), 207-210.
- Fleming, Douglas K., 1986, Safe harbours, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(1), 17-25.
- Fleming, Douglas K., 1987, The port community: an American view, Maritime Policy and Management, 14(4), 321-336.
- Fleming, Douglas K., 1989, On the beaten track: a view of US West-Coast container port competition, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(2), 93-107.
- Frankel, Ernst G., 1989, Strategic planning applied to shipping and ports, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(2), 123-132.
- Frankel, Ernst G., 1989, Port or shipping project appraisal under risk, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(3), 213-221.
- Goodman, A.C., 1984, Port planning and financing for bulk cargo ships. Theory and a North American example, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 18(3), 237-252.
- Goss, Richard O., 1986, Seaports should not be subsidized, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 83-104.
- Graillot, A., 1986, Public subsidy of seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 155-164.
- Grosdidier de Matons, Jean C., 1986, Economic and financial appraisal of port projects at the World Bank: a review of policy and practice, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(4), 259-275.
- Hayuth, Yehuda, 1980, Inland container terminal—function and rationale, Maritime Policy and Management, 7(4), 283-289.
- Hayuth, Yehuda, 1981, Containerization and the load center concept, Economic Geography, 57(2), 160-176.
- Hayuth, Yehuda, 1988, Rationalization and deconcentration of the U.S. container port system, Professional Geographer, 40(3) 279-288.
- Hoyle, Brian S., 1986, Transport and economic development in the less-developed countries: some reflections on the seaports of Kenya and Tanzania, GeoJournal, 12(3), 233-242.
- Hunter, Coll M., 1981, Port training in Africa, Maritime Policy and Management, 8(4), 267-279.
- Kim, M. and Sachish, A., 1986, The structure of production, technical change and productivity in a port, Journal of Industrial Economics, 35(2), 209-223.
- Klaassen, Leo H., 1986, Subsidies to seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 169-176.
- Klein, A. and Verbeke, A., 1987, The design of an optimal short term forecasting system for sea port management: an application to the Port of Antwerp, International Journal of Transport Economics, 84(1), 57-70.
- La Saponara, Francesco, 1986, Seaports and public intervention, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 139-154.
- Marti, Bruce E., 1985, Chilean ports: Commodity specialization and potential for containerization, Professional Geographer, 37(3), 320-328.
- McCalla, Robert J., 1982, Canadian port administration: Its future structure, Maritime Policy and Management, 9(4), 279-293.
- Miyajima, M. and Kwak, K.S., 1989, Economic analysis of interport competition in container cargo: peripheral ports versus Tokyo Bay ports, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(1), 47-55.
- Potrykowski, Marek and Taylor, Zbigniew, 1986, Shipping policy and seaport development in Poland, GeoJournal, 12(3), 281-288.
- Randall, James E., 1988, Economic development and non-marine initiatives at American seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(3), 225-240.
- Robinson, R., 1985, Containerization in ports of third-world Asia: an overview of present patterns and the direction of future growth, Maritime Policy and Management, 12(4), 263-277.
- Robinson, R., 1985, Productivity of first-generation container terminals: Sydney, Australia, Maritime Policy and Management, 12(4), 279-292.
- Schut, Theo, 1982, The necessity for U.S. port expansion: a Dutch view, Transport Reviews, 2(1), 107-118.
- Seidenfus, St. H., 1987, European ports in the context of the world economy and the European economy: changes in sea transport, International Journal of Transport Economics, 14(2), 133-138.
- Shabman, L. and Dickey, G.E., 1986, Federal financial responsibility for coastal port development: a study of the process of policy redefinition, Policy Studies Review, 6(2), 358-365.
- Shneerson, D., 1981, Investment in port systems. A case study of the Nigerian ports, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 15(3), 201-216.
- Shneerson, Dan, 1983, Short term planning for a port system, Maritime Policy and Management, 10(4), 217-250.
- Slack, Brian, 1980, Technology and seaports in the 1980s, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 71(2), 108-113.
- Slack, Brian, 1985, Containerization, inter-port competition, and port selection, Maritime Policy and Management, 12(4), 293-203.
- Suykens, F., 1983, A few observations on productivity in seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 10(1), 17-40.
- Suykens, F., 1985, Administration and management at the port of Antwerp, Maritime Policy and Management, 12(3), 181-194.
- Suykens, F., 1986, Ports should be efficient (even when this means that some of them are subsidized), Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 105-126.
- Talley, Wayne K., 1988, Optimum throughput and performance evaluation of marine terminals, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(4), 327-331.
- Thomas, B.J., 1981a, The changing structure of the UK port industry and its impact on stevedoring costs, Maritime Policy and Management, 8(3), 141-161.
- Thomas, B.J., 1981b, Port management development—a strategy for the provision of a training capability in developing countries, Maritime Policy and Management, 8(3), 179-190.
- Tubielewicz, Andrzej, 1986, The economic principles of Polish seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 165-168.
- Vallega, Adalberto, 1986, Maritime impacts on the littoral organization—the case of the Western Mediterranean, GeoJournal, 12(3), 271-279.
- Verbeke, A., 1988, Assessing the effectiveness of Belgian seaport policy: a comparative institutional approach, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, 59 (2), 157-174
- Verbeke, A. and Winkelmans, W., 1986, The illusion of Belgian sea port policy evaluation of structural effectiveness and development of a policy alternative, International Journal of Transport Economics, 13(2), 209-220.
- Verhoeff, J.M., 1981, Seaport competition: some fundamental and political aspects, Maritime Policy and Management, 8(1), 49-60.
- Vigarié, A., 1986, State aid for seaports: a Cartesian position in the French case, Maritime Policy and Management, 13(2), 127-137.
- Warf, Barney and Cox, Joseph, 1989, The changing economic impacts of the port of New York, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(1), 3-11.
- Warf, Barney and Kleyn, Louis, 1989, Competitive status of US ports in the mid-1980s, Maritime Policy and Management, 16(2), 157-172.
- West, A.C., 1980, Introducing participation: An example from the British ports industry, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 97-105.
- Wood, T.W., 1982, The economics of mixed cargo and cruise ship traffic in a port, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 16(1), 43-53.
- Wright, A. J., 1988, Potential port responses to new information systems on ships, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(4), 291-297.
- Yochum, Gilbert R. and Agarwal, V.B., 1987, Economic impact of a port on a regional economy: note, Growth and Change, 18(3), 74-87.
- Yochum, Gilbert R. and Agarwal, Vinod B., 1988, Static and changing port economic impacts, Maritime Policy and Management, 15(2), 157-171.
- Bird, J. H. and Pollock, E.E., 1978, The future of seaports in the European Communities, The Geographical Journal, 144(1), 23-41.
- Button, K. J., 1979, The economics of port pricing, Maritime Policy and Management, 6(3), 201-207.
- Chang, S., 1978a, In defense of port impact studies, Transportation Journal, 17, 79-85.
- Chang, S., 1978b, Production function, productivities, and capacity utilization in the Port of Mobile, Maritime Policy and Management, 5(4), 297-305
- Chang, W.H., Lee, L.S., Yang, S.J. and Vandervoort, C.G., 1975, Harbour expansion and harbour congestion charges. An application of nonlinear programming, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 9(3), 209-229
- De Weille, J. and Ray, A., 1974, The optimum port capacity, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 8(3), 244-259.
- Desbarats, J.M., 1971, A geographical analysis of the Clyde’s forelands, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 62(4), 249-263.
- Ffrench, Rudolph A., 1979, Competition among selected eastern Canadian ports for foreign cargoes, Maritime Policy and Management, 6(1), 5-13.
- Figura, Roger S., 1979, Public seaport operations: a dynamic cost-benefit model, Maritime Policy and Management, 6(3), 217-228.
- Garnett, H.C., 1970, Competition between ports and investment planning, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 17(3), 411-424.
- Gilman, S., 1978, Pricing policy and operational controls in container terminals, Maritime Policy and Management, 5(2), 89-96.
- Gilman, S. and Williams, G.F., 1976, The economics of multi-port itineraries for large container ships, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 10(2), 137-149.
- Hazard, John L., 1978, The national role in world port development: United States and Western Europe, Maritime Policy and Management, 5(4), 269-288.
- Heaver, Trevor D. and Studer, Keith R., 1972, Ship size and turnaround time—some empirical evidence, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 6 (1), 32-50.
- Heggie, I.G., 1974, Charging for port facilities, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 8(1), 3-25.
- Hilling, David, 1975, Port specialization and efficiency—The case of Ghana, Maritime Policy and Management, 3(1), 13-20.
- Keynon, James B., 1970, Elements in inter-port competition in the United States, Economic Geography, 46(1), 70-124.
- Laing, E.T., 1977, The distribution of benefits from port investment, Maritime Policy and Management, 4(3), 141-154.
- McCalla, Robert J., 1979, Specialization and economic impact of the ports of Montreal, Quebec, Saint John, and Halifax, Maritime Policy and Management, 6(4), 285-292.
- Mills, G., 1971, Investment planning for British ports, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 5(2), 119-152.
- Ogundana, Babafemi, 1974, Seaport development—multi-national co-operation in West Africa, Journal of Modern African Studies, 12(3), 395-407.
- Regul, Rudolf, 1973, Elements of a European port policy, Intereconomics, (3) 81-84.
- Robinson, R., 1976, Modelling the port as an operational system: a perspective for research, Economic Geography, 52(1), 71-86.
- Robinson, R., 1978, Size of vessels and turnaround time: further evidence from the port of Hong Kong, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 12(2), 161-178.
- Takel, R. E., 1973, Industrial development in ports, Maritime Policy and Management, 1(1), 40-52.
- Weigend, Guido G., 1956, The problem of hinterland and foreland as illustrated by the port of Hamburg, Economic Geography, 32(1).
- Thomas, B.J., 1978, Port charging practices, Maritime Policy and Management, 5(2), 117-132.
- Walters, A. A., 1975, Marginal cost pricing in ports, Logistics and Transportation Review, 11(3), 299-308.
- Wanhill, S.R.C., 1974, A study in port planning: The example of Mina Zayed., Maritime Policy and Management, 2(1) 48-55.
- Waters, R. C., 1977, Port economic impact studies: practice and assessment, Transportation Journal, 16, 14-18.
- Weigend, Guido G., 1973, Stages in the development of the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, Geoforum, 13, 5-15.
- Wever, E., 1974, Seaports and physical planning in the Netherlands. Some comments on policy considerations relating to industrial activities in seaports, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 65(1), 4-12.
- Wilder, R.P. and Pender, D.R., 1979, Economic behaviour of public ports in the United States, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 13(2), 169-181.
- Winkelmans, W., 1977, Towards a research into island and mainland seaport location patterns by means of factor analysis, Empirical Economics, 2(3), 137-173.
- Britton, J.N.H., 1965, The external relations of seaports: some new considerations, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 56, 109-112.
- Carter, R.E., 1962, A comparative analysis of the United States ports and their traffic characteristics, Economic Geography, 38, 162-175.
- Clout, Hugh D., 1968, Expansion projects for French seaports, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 59(5), 271-277.
- Flinn, M.W., 1966, The overseas trade of Scottish ports, 1900-1960, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 13(2), 220-237.
- Goldberg, J.P., 1968, Containerization as a force for change on the waterfront, Monthly Labor Review, 91(1), 8-13.
- Elliot, N.R., 1969, Hinterland and foreland as illustrated by the Port of the Tyne, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47, 153-170
- Fair, Marvin L., 1961, Port authorities in the United States, Law and Contemporary Problems, 26(4), 703-714
- Goss, Richard O., 1967a, Towards an economic appraisal of port investments, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1(3), 249–272.
- Goss, Richard O., 1967b, The turnaround of cargo liners and its effect upon sea transport costs, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1(1), 75–89.
- Hoyle, Brian S., 1968, East African seaports: an application of the concept of ‘Anyport’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44, 163-183.
- Reisener, Wolfgang, 1967, How to face growing competition, Intereconomics, 2(9), 241-244.
- Rimmer, Peter J., 1966, The problem of comparing and classifying seaports, Professional Geographer, 18(2), 83-91.
- Rimmer, Peter J., 1967, Changes in the ranking of Australian seaports 1951-2—1961-2, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 58(1), 28-38.
- Tanner, M.F. and Williams, A.F., 1967, Port development and national planning strategy: The implications of the Portbury decision, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1(3), 315-324.
The database includes papers on the role of ports in maritime, logistics and intermodal transport networks, logistics functions of ports, papers on clustering of maritime activities, spatial developments in port regions, studies of port performance, studies of market structures in ports and so on. It does not include papers on port engineering, terminal operations, terminal equipment, waterfront development, and port history.
Ηοw to cite the PortDatabase?
The PortDatabase was originally constructed as part of the following studies –Please acknowledge them when you use the database:
PortDatabase 2009-2020:
- Pallis, A.A., Kladaki P. & Notteboom, T. (2021). Port Economics, Policy and Management: Bibliometrics and Content analysis of a rapidly maturing research field. Presented at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2021 Annual Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
PortDatabase 1997-2008:
- Pallis, A.A., Vitsounis, T.K. & de Langen, P.W. (2010). Port Economics, Policy and Management: Review of an Emerging Research Field, Transport Reviews 30(1), pp.115-161. [Download the authors’ version] [Journal Page] (Consult this study for a detailed bibliometric analysis, content classification and citation analysis of all port studies published in scholarly journals (1997-2008).
- Pallis, A.A., Vitsounis, T.K., De Langen, P.W. & Notteboom, T.E. (2011). Port Economics, Policy and Management – Content Classification and Survey, Transport Reviews, 31(4), pp. 445-471. [Download the authors’ version] [Journal Page] (Consult this study for a detailed content analysis of all port studies published in scholarly journals (1997-2008).
PortDatabase 1950-1999:
- Brooks M.R. and Pallis A.A. (2012). Classics in Port Policy and Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (Consult the volume for 41 seminal contributions of scholarly research in port policy & management in the 21st century)